Fallen Angel

by Poison

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:37 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Open Up and Say Ahhh!

Song Author

Bobby Dall, Brett Michaels, Bruce Johannesson and Rikki Rockett

Tabbed by

Addi Booth and Pete Billmann


1st → Brett - Rhythm Gtr.
2nd → C.C. - Lead Gtr.
3rd → C.C. - Fill 4 Overdub
4th → Rikki Rockett
5th → Bobby Dall

File Size

60 KB




She stepped off the bus_ out_ in-to the cit-y streets._ Just a small_ town girl_ with_ her whole_ life packed_ in a suit-case by her feet._ But some-how the lights_ did-n't shine_ as bright_ as they did_ on her ma-ma's T V screen. And the work_ seemed hard-er, days_ seemed long-er_